Trilogy Metals' Arctic polymetallic project in Alaska’s Ambler district. Credit: Trilogy Metals Inc.
Base metals like copper and cobalt are on target for exploration with Canadian junior mining partner Trilogy Metals. Trilogy was listed third in a recent industry market cap value listing of base metals among Canadian developers. Positive results for Trilogy’s drilling programs are largely based on the ability to access projects in Alaska’s remote Ambler Mine District. The District holds some of the world’s richest known copper-dominant polymetallic deposits including Trilogy’s Bornite project.

Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse (left), president and CEO of Vancouver-based Trilogy Metals, at the company’s Arctic polymetallic project in Alaska’s Ambler district. Credit: Trilogy Metals as published by The Northern Miner.

[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design03″ color_scheme=”gray” package_heading=”Top-10 base metals, uranium explorers and developers in Canada*†” sub_heading_tag=”p”]
1. IVANHOE MINES, $4.5B market cap | 6. NORTHERN DYNASTY MINERALS, $259M market cap |
2. NEXGEN ENERGY ,$743M market cap | 7. FISSION URANIUM, $233M market cap |
3. TRILOGY METALS, $526M market cap | 8. NEVADA COPPER, $218M market cap |
4. DENISON MINES, $394M market cap | 9. POLYMET MINING, $213M market cap |
5. NGEX RESOURCES, $270M market cap | 10. FILO MINING, $201M market cap |
*market cap in Canadian dollars, as published by The Northern Miner †projects are not yet in production |
Major Drilling supports base metal exploration for a variety of top-developing partners in Canada including Trilogy Metals, Denison Mines, and Nevada Copper.

Major Drilling is the leader in specialized drilling. We’re progressing commodity exploration and discovery for partners around the world. Contact us to learn how we can bring exploration results to your next specialized drilling project.