“Almost every mine encounters some degree of water problems, and controlling or getting rid of them requires far more skill, and equipment, than most people know or understand,” writes Russell Noble in a past issue of Canadian Mining Journal.
This article explains all about the importance of dewatering, and there’s a good reason for that. According to Noble, keeping properties as dry as possible is paramount to successful mining. He also points out that:
dewatering a mine site, regardless if it involves a trickle coming out of a garden-size hose or a gusher blasting out of huge hoses or pipes, calls for the right equipment to handle the job properly and responsibly.
Getting the right equipment and the right people to operate it is a key point in Noble’s article.
“Water is certainly an essential ingredient to most mining operations, but like everything else there’s a right and wrong place for it, and in the mine is certainly the wrong place,” Noble observes. “With so much at stake, miners cannot afford to have profits washed away and that’s why pumps and the technology associated with dewatering have become such an integral part of today’s mines.”
The author also takes care to point out the connection between dewatering and turning pumped water back into the environment in a safe and responsible manner.
Read the full article on the Canadian Mining Journal website.