Major Drilling Brazil is proud to receive praise for adherence to environmental standards. Brazauro Recursos Minerais S.A., a subsidiary of G Mining Ventures (GMIN), commended diamond drilling teams at the Tocantinzinho gold project. On site since November 2021, Major Drilling crews support exploration as part of the 8,500-meter drilling program.
“I would like to congratulate to Major Drilling and your team by the high standard quality and performance from your services at Tocantinzinho,” wrote Danilo Cabral Ferreira, Exploration Manager for Brazauro in a September email.

A Major Drilling diamond driller explores for gold as part of the 8,500-meter Tocantinzinho drilling program.

Core samples are placed in boxes at the drill site.
Tocantinzinho is a granite-hosted gold deposit in Para State, Brazil. Environmental standards were on display during a recent visit and survey from the country’s national mining agency. Lúcio Alves, GMIN’s Environmental Supervisor at the project, complimented Major Drilling Brazil’s high attention to environmental standards.
“I want to highlight the commitment and standard adopted between the Major Drilling teams and the operational and control team of the Geology Shed,” he stated. “It is very gratifying to have teams that respect and follow high-level environmental standards, putting us in safe situations on the inspection routes of municipal, state and federal environmental agencies.”
As global company, Major Drilling brings world-class safety and quality standards to each project. GMIN reported in May 2022 a total of 71,060 hours worked without a lost time incident among the team of contractors on site at Tocantinzinho. Safety continues to be a priority for Major Drilling through its world-class safety programs TAKE 5, 10 Lifesaving Rules and Critical Risks Management.
Major Drilling Brazil Operations Manager, Gaspar Ferreira, is grateful for the commendation and is proud of the work his crews are doing.
“We have a strong partnership at Brazauro with our equipment and teams fully committed to safely working on this specialized drilling project,” he said. “Our commitment to drilling safely by minimizing risks and following our safe operating guidelines were major factors in securing the contract. We’re very happy to see how our efforts are strengthening our partner and producing great results at the Tocantinzinho project.”
Major Drilling is committed to safety as a core part of its environmental, social and governance standards through its ESG Policy.

Drilling teams follow high-level environmental standards at the GMIN Tocantinzinho project.
Follow Major Drilling on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to receive the latest company news and updates. Established in 1980, and publicly traded as Toronto Stock Exchange ticker symbol TSX: MDI, Major Drilling is the preferred specialized drilling contractor for all tiers in the mining industry. The company operates on five continents as the world leader in specialized drilling using mining industry ESG principles to guide sustainability. As the leading mining supplier and drilling contractor for specialized contracts, Major Drilling is a trusted mining partner through industry upturns and ongoing exploration projects. Learn more about how to make your next drilling project safe and successful with Major Drilling.